Friday, February 12, 2010
D: MY BLOG IS DEADDDDDDDDD hahhahaha. SO I CAME TO REVIVE IT! and I hate stupid TWS. that stupid fatty! !@#$%^&*!@$E^%&^%&%$^ Today is funnnnnnnnnn. I love today. hhahahahaha. after school we went to marina square. hahaha, fun. I LOVE IT. GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE GLEE!
KEVIN MCHALE! hahahahaha!
CNY is coming. And the awesome Belle is leaving to malaysia! D:
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Hm, it's the 2nd day of 2010. And looking back, I still laugh at the silly things my friends and I do. I hate the "I'm going back to school REALLY soon." feeling. It's a new year, with new stuffs and new friends. 2 more days to school and I haven't gotten a new school bag/pencil case. Dangggg. I'm really not looking forward to school. I'm going to cut my hair now. WEE~ HAHAHHAHAHA! I'm a secret agent you know?
Thursday, December 10, 2009
WEE!~ Tomorrow I'll be in Aceh. I'm so excited that I can't keep still! Like OMG, I freakin' can't wait. And I'll be back on the 17th. It's going to be FUN FUN FUN~
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Teehee, Yesterday was so fun. Fun fun fun~ Hm, watch new moon with Celia, Qian hui, Reuben, Matt, Josh.L and Joel. but new moon sucks. The whole movie was shit. Ending was the worst. UGH. A total waste. But i still had fun. The guys were damn noisy. NOISY NOISY NOISY~ Oh oh, after the movie went to slack at PS. ate at secret recipe. shared a sundae with Qian hui while celia ate her pie. Then we did window shopping. Then people started to emo, then I got emo. Then i didn't have any mood to do anything. then we all headed home. I just realise, ASHER BOOK IS HOT. Hot hot hot~
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Wee~ yesterday was super fun. Didn't have sermon and instead had worship the whole time. Gosh, I like. haha, later had cell. cell was great. Ohoh, after cell had dinner with my usual people and the guys. hahahah, super crappy and super fun. I'm so lazy to elaborate~in less than a week I'll be in Aceh, away from civilisation. And i haven't done my shopping D:
Sunday, November 29, 2009
-Started with worship.
-had sermon.
-Then we had lunch.
>It was bee hoon. I hate bee hoon.
-Headed for amazing race.
>Walked non-stop for over 4 and a half hours.
>we only manage to complete 6/10 stations):
>Food was much much better. But got alot veggie.
-Had worship and sermon(:
-had supper.
-Lights out at 1am.
>But we still crapped and played.
It was more exciting than the first day.
-Had devotion.
>It was pretty boring:x
>I was practically dying of hunger.
-Had worship and sermon.
-had CP!(Community penetration)
>we gave the residents of a nearby block door gifts to bless them.
>damn sad, many were in but they pretended that they were not in.
>But to me they are rejecting God instead.
-Headed back to church.
-Had CP sharing.
-Ate dinner
-Holy spirit night.
>Even before youth pastor spoke, I already felt the presence of the Holy spirit lingering among us.
>when Pastor spoke, the Holy spirit was at full power.
>By the words he spoked and prayed, people screamed and cried.
>Worship was awesome.
>my whole cell got hyper from jumping.
>Then we moved to L2.
>Had a prophetic act.
>damn cool.
-Went to the playground at 1 plus
-slacked there.
-then we kena chased back to our room.
-slept at 2+
-woke up at 7.30.
-Had breakfast
-had devotion.
>Slept while Chris was talking.
>Then Joshua.H woke me up.
-Went for second service.
>Worship is awesome as usual.
>slept while Bishop Moses preached.
>Got woken up again. Gosh.
-Had Pasta mania for lunch.
-Had prize Presentation.
-break camp at 3+
Monday, November 23, 2009
Boredom is killing me. Blog hopping ain't fun anymore. I'm hopped from blogs i know to those I don't. I feel like eating mash potato now..jpg)